24K Gold - A Unique Investment
Gold as it is known is one of the most precious metals and one of the finest possessions from ages for the rich and the affluent and the common man alike. Gold becomes precious and valuable just for the finest qualities it has and the rarity of the metal. Gold has always been a measurement of wealth and authority since the beginning of civilization. Gold jewelry was a convenient means of both displaying one's wealth and a symbol of accumulated wealth. Throughout history gold has been a symbol of riches and wealth and a definite source of greed.
Pure gold alias 24k Gold is metallic yellow in color, very flexible and soft metal in comparison with other elements. Gold is a very stable metal which stands the test of time and is not known to rust, fade, or diminish in quality, quantity or luster by aging. Being a soft metal, it is easy to work with and ideal for shaping into beautiful jewelry pieces. Gold for Jewelry purpose will be mixed with additional alloys to strengthen it and increase its durability and to give glitter and color.
The purity of your gold is defined by the Karat weight. Karat is a measure of purity that is measured from 1 to 24. So the lesser the Karat the lesser the quality/purity of Gold and 24K Gold is assumed to be the most pure and clear form of the metal. Hence the value also increases with the Karat score!
Jewelries are often made with Gold having Karat value ranging from 10K to 22K. Hence the lesser the value of Karat, the jewelries are expected to be more durable and less valuable from the pure gold perspective. Ornaments with Higher 18K or 22K Gold will provide additional jewelry value significance and hence most desired for wedding jewelry etc. because of its additional gold value, still maintaining the strength benefits required for ornaments. Hence for making jewelry buying decisions it is suggested to make a choice considering the strength and durability and value of Gold.
Gold Jewelry
Gold jewelry is one of the most sought after form of jewelry all over the globe. From ancient times people used to make and wear jewelries made of gold and it was always a symbol of once richness and affluence. Usually Gold with purity from 10K to 24K is used for jewelries. However gold jewelry having 18K or higher Karat value is considered as a good asset too for the value of Gold. Usually people buy Gold jewelry as an investment too and in this case a higher Karat value is desirable as above. There are lots of jewelers offering gold jewelry in the form of specially designed, ornaments such as bracelets, rings, studs, earrings, chains etc. Off late, lots of designer jewelry also have come up with gold or with mixed combinations of gold, silver and diamonds. 24K Gold jewelry is supposed to be the most purest and valuable from the value of gold perspective.
24k Gold a Time Tested Investment.
Apart from ornamental use Gold is considered to be an excellent investment which is more or less insulated from all fluctuations in the economic cycles. One reason is the rarity of the metal; as per the latest published figures the total weight of gold extracted till date is only 160K tones. And the available deposits are scarce and hence no possibility of increasing production or reducing demand of Gold from the current levels. Even from the ancient times, the powerful nations used to accumulate and maintain a gold reserve which used to safeguard them from the currency fluctuations. Even at the modern times almost all the rich and powerful countries maintain a gold reserve.
Gold is normally, bought for investment purpose in the form of bullion, coins or bars etc.
Gold bullion is actually a recognized fineness and weight of gold, which can be purchased for whatever the current price of gold might be and in the form of bars which contains the stamp and seal for quality authenticity etc. Apart from value of gold other costs such as shipping, fabricating, and refining of the gold bullion etc. also may be applicable. Simply defined, bullion is a stamped and refined weight of precious metal. These large bars of gold bullion are mostly owned by governments and central banks. Gold bullion is suggestible when the investment is for longer term and value of investments are very high. Also liquidating Gold bullion may be time consuming considering the large value involved. It is more suitable for institutions etc. to invest in Gold bullion.
Gold coins
Gold Coins are looked at by many as collector's items. One ounce gold bullion coins are nothing more than a smaller, circular form of gold bullion. These gold coins that are backed by a government rather than a refiner and are efficiently mass produced, and compared to similar sized gold bullion bars are easier to resell and available at more competitive prices. Gold coins, especially older coins, can fetch much higher prices compared to their intrinsic value to be sold to private collectors at premium prices.
There are some proven advantages in investing in gold coins that are part of the Rare Coin Market.
Coins are minted at a time normally and the supply is always a limited number for a specific coin. Over a period of time the collectors get a premium since this is not available in the open market. Apart from value of the gold, trading in rare gold coins offers high upside potential and low down side risk. They are a great way to add leverage to an investor's portfolio while being free from economic downslides and recessions. Modern bullion coins for investment or collector purposes are typically fine 24k gold although there are minor variations in some of the famous coins.
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